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When I joined my first mom's group, I DIDN'T GET IT! I thought it was for the babies to play! Of course they played, BUT what I experienced was connection with other moms. From poop to sleep, nursing to development, spouses and MILs, we created time and space to share, listen, contribute, and impact. But, then, life got busy again, we became overwhelmed with the to-do list, and we drifted away from our greatest support. IT'S TIME TO RE-CLAIM IT and LEVEL UP!

Seen, Understood, Honored & Loved

it's time to Be


WHat do you want? What do really want? And, Why is that important to you? 


From pregnancy to grand-parenting, create peace, deep connection, joy, and love in your family through the Five Pillars of Intentional Parenting. Get clear on your parenting purpose, vision and values, and be empowered to inspire your family to live authentically, passsionately, and joyfully...lit up!  .

Intentional parenting
Online Course


Work with Wendi to unlock your vision and unleash your power to create what is important to you in life, love, family, and world. 

1:1 Coaching

Here's the instruction manual baby did not hand you upon delivery.

  • Insight and awareness about your baby's development and behavior
  • A clear plan to ensure you and baby shift from survive to thrive
  • Tips, tricks and strategies to enhance play, sleep, feeding, postpartum transition, health & wellness, and family dynamics
  • Systems and activities to improve baby's brain and body development
  • And, you can Stop wasting time trying to read every book

Your thriving baby academy

  • Insight and awareness about your baby's development and behavior
  • A clear plan to ensure you and baby shift from survive to thrive
  • Tips, tricks and strategies to enhance play, sleep, feeding, postpartum transition, health & wellness, and family dynamics


A 30-day experiential journey into transformational leadership for you and your teen. 

Unlocking potential by connecting to vision and practicing the skills needed to create it! 

Teen Leadership

leadership opportunities

- Karri T.

“Wendi has changed my life! She is gifted in bringing dreams into a reality. She is an inspiring, powerful and generous human being! I am forever grateful for the impact she has brought to my family and the generations to come!"


-Pam M.

"I'm having so many discoveries about myself and awareness's that I am shifting through! I have a new set of eyes! Your coaching is so valuable and I am creating so much beauty with my girls. I acknowledge you for leading with love"


- Annette L.

"Wendi's coaching has helped me create my own personal anchor to bring me back to my vision for my family. Being able to share with the groups has been so unifying. I truly feel a part of a community & I know I am not alone in my journey."


- Tara & Phil

 “Wendi gave us hope and permission to give ourselves grace. Zero guilt and zero shame is her thing, while also giving us “aha moments” and tools that I never would have thought of without her guidance. I am so grateful to this woman. OUR ANGEL"



Like 5 Love Languages, you have 8 Play Personalities, your Joy Language. Discover yours to be Playful, Free, and Deeply Connected. Download your FREE Vidoe Modules, E-Book & Workbook.

What's Your Joy Language?

Yes, Please!


download your         ebook