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A 30-day experiential journey into transformational leadership for you and your teen. 

An opportunity for your teen to see what is truly possible. 
A supportive environment to forge and develop relationships.
Unlock hidden talents, develop visionary leadership skills.
Learn to effectively listen to and communicate with many different people. 
Embody commitment, responsibility, contribution, urgency, and vision-guided attitudes, behaviors, choices and actions.
PLUS, a parallel parenting track for your journey and to support them on theirs. 

Teen Leadership

"Wendi has guided me to know and trust myself, and to love and accept myself exactly as I am. This has allowed me to truly see and understand my family, and honor my relationship with my husband and my kids."

Kathryn loves this experience because...

From pregnancy to grand-parenting, create peace, deep connection, joy, and love in your family through the Five Pillars of Intentional Parenting. Get clear on your parenting purpose, vision and values, and be empowered to inspire your family to live authentically, in generosity, and passion...lit up! Self-study course with LIVE coaching.


intentional Parenting
Self Study Course

"I now have a vision that I'm committed to 100% and I am free to be myself!"

Filza loves this service because...

Work with Wendi to unlock your vision and unleash your power to create what is important to you in life, love, family, and world. 
Let go of what doesn't serve you with a partner that will hold you high and finally experience your version of EPIC, personally, professionally and with all the humans you love the most. 

1:1 coaching

"Wendi gave me hope and permission to give myself grace. She also gives me “aha moments” and tools that I never would have thought of without her guidance."

Tara loves this service because...

Here's the instruction manual baby did not hand you upon delivery.

With the "Your Thriving Baby Academy" Masterclass Bundle you gain

  • Insight and awareness about your baby's development and behavior
  • A clear plan to ensure you and baby shift from survive to thrive
  • Tips, tricks and strategies to enhance play, sleep, feeding, postpartum transition, health & wellness, and family dynamics
  • Systems and activities to improve baby's brain and body development
  • And, you can Stop wasting time trying to read every book


Your thriving baby academy

"Wendi has this magic. She can hold space for you and can explain things and sees only the goodness in you and also sees this space for you to rise."

Daniela loves this service because...

"Wendi really opened up my eyes to listening more and letting our child be herself with guidelines. She has fused two topics that are important to me, which are leadership and parenting."

trisha loves this service because...

Like 5 Love Languages, you have 8 Play Personalities, your Joy Language. Discover yours to be Playful, Free, and Deeply Connected. Download your FREE Vidoe Modules, E-Book & Workbook.

What's Your Joy Language?

Yes, Please!


download your         ebook